Saturday, July 12, 2008


Lower back still tweaked. I skipped everything but the run. I don't see that agravating it and not working out is no option.

The run was more intense than usual. Proably because I am not recovering from a heavy lower body workout.

Diet: Near perfrect today.

Torrow is a needed rest day. I will re-evaluate the back on Monday.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Lower Body

Light workout because the last BL session was what tweaked my back. I am now sure it was not good morning. The torso twists with the bands I was doing might have contributed, but the fall with the KB is the likely culprit. The pain is not severe. If it was anywhere else I would just blow through it.

Leg Extensions: 12x25kg, 10x30kg, 8x35kg, 6x40kg
Front Squats: 12x30kg

Taking the squats very easy. Used a weight belt to stabilize my core.

Leg Curls: 12x25kg, 10x30kg, 8x35kg, 6x40kg
Good Mornings: 12x30kg

I question my sanity for returning to good morning with my lower back tweaked, but I wanted to test if that irritated it. As it turned out, this did not bother my back in the least. Very light weight with perfect snails pace form.

Toe risers--duh I forget to do these. No big deal, my calf's are huge already.

Crunches: 5 sets of 20

Diet: 5 meals, good choices--not bad at all. Was very late on the 5th.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Missed Cardio work-out

It is a lame excess, but I worked in Brussels til 7:30pm, got a ride from a collegue to Antwerp Central, but missed the train by about 20 seconds. Had to wait an hour for 9pm train and did not get back to my doorstep until about 12:30am. I was licked. Press forward.

Diet was on track except for Lunch. That was at the cafeteria with the client. Had an excellent ham and cheese sandwhich that was about 500-600 calories. Came in @ about 1700 for the day so it was not a total loss.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Upper Body

In Luxembourg and Brussels. Workout in evening at World Class Fitness in Brussels.

DB Military Press: 12x18kg, 10x20kg, 8x20kg, 6x20kg
Side Raises: 12x15kg

The military presses where sweet. Shoulders are coming together.

Assisted Pull-ups. Four sets of 12, 10, 8, and 6 reps.
One Arm DB rows: 12x20kg

The Pull-ups where heavily assisted, but its just what i need for my back. I ordered a set of assisted pull up bands for the home gym.

BB Bench Press: 12x50kg, 8x60, 8x65, 6x70, 12x50kg
DB Flies: 12x11kg
Cable flies: 12x40kg

BB Curls: 12x25kg, 10x30, 8x35, 6x40, 12x25
DB Curls: 12x11kg

My lower back started to get tight with these. Stretching worked it out.

BB Tricep Ext (lying): 12x25kg, 10x30, 8x35, 6x40, 12x30
Standing Tricep DB extensions: 12x15kg

The was a great workout. I am not clear on the figures as the dumbells are unmarked and I did not feel like taking the time to count the weights.

Diet: Made the best of it on a travel day. had grilled salmon for lunch in Luxembourg, fruit for breakfest and a chicken ceasers salad for dinner.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


I did something to my lower back so I skipped the swings. On my right lower side I get intermittent mild pain and stiffness. Stretching helps. At first I thought it was the good morning, but now think I twisted it when I lost my balance trying to practice a new kettlebell drill. Foolishly I was in side on the wood floors so I had to rescue the weight when I lost my balance rather then just throw them to the ground. This is the only thing that makes sense. I will have to watch it closely.
5 Min Turkish Get-ups with 20kg KB. No problems with the back.
A very hard 20 min run. I am increasing my pace at the lower intervals.
Diet: could not have been a lot better today. I have really mastered eating sensibly. It does take a lot of work though.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Lower Body

Changed up the workout some: Start of a 12 week cycle.

Leg Extensions: 12x20kg, 10x25kg, 8x30kg, 6x35kg
Front Squats: 12x30kg

Leg Curls: 12x20kg, 10x25kg, 8x30kg, 6x35kg
Good Mornings: 12x30kg, 12x20kg

Toe Risers: 5 sets 30x20kg

Torso Twist with the bands: 4 sets of 12 each side.

4 sets of 25 crunches

Diet: On track

Saturday, July 5, 2008


5min of 20kg KB Turkish Get-ups

160 swings with the 20kg KB in 8 min. 9 (7,040lb) Goal of 200 is within reach.

20 min run High Intensity Interval. I hit my intensity target. My legs held together, but my aerobic capacity is getting stronger than my legs so it is becoming a different kind of challenge to hit the exertion peaks in my goals.

It is worth noting that today is the completion of an important milestone. I have worked out steadily 6 days a week for 12 weeks and kept my diet well controlled in the same period. I am seeing results, but this is not the end, only a beginning.
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